Mithraism: Mithraeum Japan Official Website (English) By Masato TOJO, Ph. D. Chairman |
Since 1997 Last Update 2012 Jul 24 Cover Icon: Mithra-Miroku-Maitreya-Metatron |
The Simorghian Movement
Neo-Paganism of modern Iran and our Mithraism Japanese with English parallel Text 2007.11.11
-An introduction to their coming and development in the East Asia.
تحول باورهاى استوره اى ودينى در فرهنگ ژاپن by Dr. J. Jamshidi 2009.2.8
-A comprehensive introduction to the development of astral worship and religion in Japan.
ﻤﻬر ٽرستى (ميتراٸيسم) Mithraism in East and West by Dr. J. Jamshidi 2005
-An introduction to Mithraism: its origin, unfolding and integration.
يذدان ﻤﻬر Yazdan Mehr (Mithra) by Dr. J. Jamshidi 2005
-An introduction to Yazdan Mithra and his seven archangels.
Myth of Simorghian Mithraism 2009.04.26
-A Reconstruction of Mithraic Myth in the Simorghian Time
An Introduction to the Simorghian Culture and Mithraism in the East Asia 2009.02.01
-A comprehensive introduction to their coming and development in the East Asia.
Ancient Iranian Culture and its influences on Japanese Culture 2007.01.21
-A speech text at Mino City Maple Center 2007 Feb 21
and at Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tokyo 2007 Apr 21
Zen Buddhism and Persian Culture 2010.04.19
-Influence of Persian culture upon Zen Buddhism
-The cultural background why Bodhidharma the founder of Zen is called “Blue eyed Persian”.
On the History of Incorporation of Iranian Gods into Buddhism 2011.11.27 New!
-A view that sees Mahāyāna Buddhism as Iranization (or more correctly Mithraismization) of Buddhism.
-Explanation on important historical and archaeological facts and chronological order of incorporation of Iranian Gods into Buddhism.
Ten Bull Pictures and Roman Mysteries of Mithta in the Light of Simorgh 2009.02.01
-An introduction to Mysteries of Mithra incorporated into Zen Buddhism.
Theosophy: A Modern Revival of the Simorghian Culture 2009.02.01
-A comprehensive introduction to Theosophy from Simorghian point of view.
Manichaeism, Esoteric Buddhism and Oriental Theosophy 2009.03.23
-A discussion on the common ontological scheme and spiritual believes among these three schools.
gahshomar1390 (2011-2012) by Dr. J. Jamshidi 2011
-Iranian calendar in Persian with commentaries.
Arabic Parts & Sabian Symbol Astrology
@nifty, BIGLOBE, MSN, OCN, So-net, Yahoo!, goo
@nifty, BIGLOBE, OCN, goo, So-net, Yahoo!
Mithra’s Esoteric Astrology 2009.10.18
-An introduction to its textual sources and its system.
Adventure of Mithra 2007.12.23
-A Mithraic adventure comic in Japanese style.
Magi |
Simorgh & Ram |
Miroku |
Mithra |
Aion |
Melek Tawus |
Mithras |
Mithra-Miroku |
Masato TOJO, Ph. D. Chairman of Mithraeum Japan
Related Sites
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منوچهر جومالى- مولو و سميمرغ Manuchehr Jamali: Molavi and Simorgh
فرهنگى اصي ايران farhang asil Iran
Mithras by Payam Nabarz, Ph. D.
Mithras – Der Kult Wiederbelebt by Otto Lukas Hänzi
La Casa de Mithra Orden Del Dios Mithra
Mithraeum. Our Common Sun
Manichaean Orthodox Church (The Order of Nazorean Essenes)
The Apostlic Gnostic Church in America
l'Eglise du Plerome (Ecclesia Pleromatis)
The Theosophical Society Adyar
The Theosophical Society in America
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Center for Peace through Culture
Recommended Books
Nabarz, Payam. The Mysteries of Mithras, Inner Traditions, 2005, ISBN: 978-1-5947702-7-2
_______________ ed. Mithras Reader - An academic and religious journal of Greek, Roman, and Persian Studies, Volume 1, Twin Serpents Ltd., 2006, ISBN: 978-1-9055240-9-9
_______________ ed. Mithras Reader - An academic and religious journal of Greek, Roman, and Persian Studies, Volume 2, Web of Wyrd Press, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-9556858-1-1
_______________ ed. Mithras Reader - An academic and religious journal of Greek, Roman, and Persian Studies, Volume 3, Web of Wyrd Press, 2010, ISBN: 978-0-9556858-3-5
_______________ Divine Comedy of Neophyte Corax and Goddess Morrigan, Web of Wyrd Press, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-9556858-0-4
_______________ Stellar Magic: A Practical Guide to The Rites of the Moon, Planets, Stars and Constellations, Avalonia, 2009, ISBN: 978-1905297252
Tojo, Masato ed. Qewl -Holy Book of Mithra, MIIBOAT Books, 2006, ISBN 978-4-9010383-2-4
_______________ Theology of Mithraism, Kokushokankokai, 1996, ISBN: 978-4-3360383-0-2
_______________ Encyclopedia of Tarot, Kokushokankokai, 1994, ISBN: 978-4-3360362-7-8
Mithraeum Japan Tokyo |